How to Create a Webpage With Excel Back Endpython


Flask is a backend framework used to create web-applications and Programming language i.e. Python used to support backend flask framework.


HTML and CSS used for UI/UX as frontend to create web-applications.


The functionality/explanation of the app development is as below:

✔️ Have a UI that pulls data from an excel and then takes input from an app and consolidates all the data in another excel.

Let's start with the web-app...

STEP 1:- To create excel file i.e. Employee_Salary.xlsx which contains some data.

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STEP 2:- Install some pre-requisites modules needed in OS.

pip3 install flask  pip3 install pandas        

STEP 3:- Now create application using flask as framework and python as programming language.

from flask import Flask, render_template, request import pandas as pd 	  app = Flask("Excel_Web-App") 	  @app.route("/", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def form(): 	    if request.method == "POST" and "z" in request.form: 	        x = request.form.get('z') 	        x = int(x) 	        dataset = pd.read_excel("data/Employee_salary.xlsx") 	        Employee_Name = dataset["Employee_Name"] 	        dataset['Salary'] = dataset['Salary'] + dataset['Salary'] * (x/100) 	        filename="Updated_file.xlsx" 	        dataset.to_excel(filename) 	        return "Data has been Updated Successfully in Updated_file.xlsx!! Check it out!!" 	  	    return render_template("form.html")        

In this way we have to assign to take template from templates folder using render_template() function and GET/POST method is used to store values i.e. input and to get output.

read_excel() function reads excel file i.e. Employee_Salary.xlsx and to_excel() function gives updated file i.e. Updated_file.xlsx according to the update set.

STEP 4:- Now have to create form using HTML and CSS.

HTML form in templates folder:-

<!DOCTYPE html> 	<html lang="en"> 	  	<head> 	  <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='form.css') }}"> 	  <title>Document</title> 	</head> 	  	<body> 	  <div class="contact-us"> 	    <div> 	      <p><b>EMPLOYEES SALARY</b></p> 	    </div> 	    <form action='{{ url_for("form") }}' method="POST"> 	      <label for="Increment in Salary(%)">Increment in Salary(%) </label> <input id="z" name="z" required="" type="number" /> 	      <button id="SUBMIT">SUBMIT</button> 	    </form> 	  </div> 	  	</body> 	  	</html>        

CSS file for HTML form:-

@import url(""); 	* { 	  margin: 0; 	  padding: 0; 	} 	  	body { 	  background-color: #FB6E52; 	  background-size: cover; 	  width: 100%; 	  height: 100%; 	  display: grid; 	  align-items: center; 	  justify-items: center; 	  font-size: 12pt; 	  font-family: "Spartan"; 	  color: #2A293E; 	} 	  	.contact-us { 	  background: #f8f4e5; 	  padding: 50px 100px; 	  border-top: 10px solid #f45702; 	} 	  	label, input { 	  display: block; 	  width: 100%; 	  font-size: 12pt; 	  line-height: 24pt; 	  font-family: "Spartan"; 	} 	  	input { 	  margin-bottom: 24pt; 	} 	  	input { 	  border: none; 	  border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); 	  border-radius: 2px; 	  background: #f8f4e5; 	  padding-left: 5px; 	  outline: none; 	} 	  	input:focus { 	  border: 1px solid #6bd4b1; 	} 	  	button { 	  display: block; 	  float: right; 	  line-height: 24pt; 	  padding: 0 20px; 	  border: none; 	  background: #f45702; 	  color: white; 	  letter-spacing: 2px; 	  transition: 0.2s all ease-in-out; 	  border-bottom: 2px solid transparent; 	  outline: none; 	} 	  	button:hover { 	  background: inherit; 	  color: #f45702; 	  border-bottom: 2px solid #f45702; 	} 	  	::selection { 	  background: #ffc7b8; 	} 	  	input:-webkit-autofill, 	input:-webkit-autofill:hover, 	input:-webkit-autofill:focus { 	  border: 1px solid #6bd4b1; 	  -webkit-text-fill-color: #2A293E; 	  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0px 1000px #f8f4e5 inset; 	  transition: background-color 5000s ease-in-out 0s; 	}        

STEP 5:- Now using API i.e. URL containing IP and Port run the application.

Here API not fixed so to get API use:-

set FLASK_APP =  set FLASK_DEBUG = 1  flask run        

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Now using URL i.e. API we get web page and now client can put the values to get output.

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So now we see that data has been updated i.e. salary of all the employees increases by 10% and we get new file having name Updated_file.xlsx in same workspace.

Thus, the objective of this Excel Web-App using Python and Flask has been completed.

Thanks for reading my article!! ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Have a Nice Day. ๐Ÿ˜Š


How to Create a Webpage With Excel Back Endpython


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